A strange reluctance to be critical

Thoughts & guides on web developement

Tip of the hat to Digital Ocean

This week, I woke up to this nice surprise in my inbox: Thanks, Digital Ocean! For the purpose of messing around, but also for hosting the currently incomplete The Music Tank, I have been keeping a cheapest Digital Ocean droplet online for some time now. At 5$ a month, I have a Linux box that fully satisfied my needs. The surprise is that starting this week, for the same price, Digital Ocean has increased my...

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Please complain correctly

As of late, I have been learning how to reconfigure and port my web-based projects over to Docker developing on a Windows machine. This journey, which is still not over, brought me along frustrating dead ends, to poorly documented blog posts, and gave me elating epiphanies when they finally deign come. This post is not about that journey. While I was reading around, thoroughly digging for articles explaining ways of installing Docker on Windows or...

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CSS: Tell, don't describe

Writing an article which illustrates my take on Atomic CSS helped me put words on how I feel CSS should be written and maintained. My preferred method of writing styles is neither purely functional or component-based. The method I would like to propose is closer to how back-end code is handled. There is an Object Oriented programming approach called Tell don’t ask. At its core it can be surmised as follows: Rather than asking an...

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How to: using Docker Toolbox as Visual Studio Code CLI

For the last 4 months, I have used Docker in my application development setup for everything but .NET projects. Though I would not call the transition smooth and seamless, I now have all my required services running as Docker containers. One of the advantages of doing so it that one can manage server dependencies in parallel with code dependencies within a project. You can, therefore, ensure your app bundles a Docker image that contains what...

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How to: configure PHP & NPM on Circle CI

Configuring your projects to use continuous integration (CI) and continuous distribution (CD) is a great way of ensuring their integrity from the moment you commit to the moment the projects make their ways to production. There are free CI/CD services available for projects publically hosted on GitHub or Bitbucket. At the moment the most popular of these would likely be Travis. Travis is quick and easy to use and has been a good friend of...

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